Friday, May 23, 2014

7 Senses?

Most children who have a limited appetite demonstrate 7 different senses. Let's break them down and how you can better understand your child.

  1.  Visual  (I see it but that doesn't mean I'm going to eat it) 
  2. Touch (I'm afraid to put that in my mouth so I need to experience it with my hands first.  If you let me do this then I begin to desensitize through the safe touch my body needs to learn to except this new food)
  3. Smell (I may not eat just because I had to smell it cooking)
  4. Taste (This is the MOST scariest sense when talking about a new food that I have, so be patient with me as I explore with my other senses until I feel safe and comfortable actually tasting a new food)
  5. Hear (I may need to have silence while experiencing a new food) It is hard for me to try and listen to your commands while using my other senses at the same time to experience a new food.  Shhhh! Let me explore with out sound.)
  6. Proprioceptive (My body in space.  I have to move, so you may see me tapping my foot, fingers or touching a lot of different surfaces.  That's me self regulating and understanding where my body parts are at in space.  Let me move while experiencing a new food so I can continue to remind myself to be calm.)
  7.  Vestibular (my sense of balance and my sense of space with in an environment.   My sense of space and balance is off so I will need to use my hands, fingers etc. to remind myself that I am balanced in space.  Let me stim so I can remind myself to be calm.                       

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