Where are you on your journey with your child with a limited appetite? Our family has been through our journey going on 13 years now. Coming up with ideas on how to get JP to eat different foods throughout the years has been interesting, exhausting and overall, inspiring. I have been where you are now; at the bottom, on the ledge, steps away from just quitting. I don't know where it came from, that voice within me saying, "This is not your fight to quit; it's your son's." There is NO way I'm quitting when it comes to my son. I was just talking with a neighbor the other day about how one of his family members, who is in her late 70's, still only eats french fries. This conversation just proves to us that if we do not move into our child's comfort zone and stir things up a little bit (lovingly and with support) then don't expect change to come knocking on its own. I'm here to help, guide, direct and support your family's limited appetite journey.
Contact me at michellefbuff@att.net or message me on my facebook page at www.facebook.com/appetitesolutions or call me at 828-443-7858
If you have a venue where I can conduct a 1 hour presentation on how you can get started with your journey in appetite solutions for your child, your fee will be waived for providing the venue. Contact me today and let's get started.
1 hour presentation is $20.00 a person. This is a very good way to get started with information, share experiences, and is also economical.